Attention : SmartOne IPTV is a video player. We are not offering any kind of channels, subscriptions, content or any thing related to Streaming Services and IPTV Services.

Hide / Unhide categories from the list

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to hide categories in the SmartOne Application so that you keep only the categories you're interested in, and make your browsing experience easier and more efficient.

-First, navigate to the Channels/video/series/radio section in the main menu. From there, scroll to the category you want to hide, then click the right arrow. From the options that appear, select hide and click OK. (This same process can be repeated for the Movies, Series, Radio, Match Day, and Box Office).
-In case you need to unhide a category in the future, don’t worry. Unhiding categories is just as simple as hiding them. To unhide a category:
-From the main menu, navigate to Settings.
-Scroll to Setup and click OK.
-Select Hidden Categories and click OK.
-Choose the section where you want to unhide your category, for example Radio.
-Select the category and click OK.
-The category will now appear in the categories list.

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