Attention : SmartOne IPTV is a video player. We are not offering any kind of channels, subscriptions, content or any thing related to Streaming Services and IPTV Services.

How to support Movies and Series in simple m3u playlist

we have a built-i functionality to auto detect the movies, and is working on 98% of the cases. but for series it need a change in the m3u playlist format to work, then our application can support Movies and series in normal m3u playlist, but the playlist should provide the stream type via the TAG tvg-type, like

tvg-type="live" // For Live, this is the default categories for streams if not provided
tvg-type="movie" // For Movies
tvg-type="serie" // For Series
tvg-type="radio" // For radio

For series we have the following data that should be added by provider in the m3u playlist to make series work perfectly :

tvg-type="serie" // Required,
tvg-serie="1" // Required, serie_id to group episodes inside series
tvg-season="1" // Optional, if not all episode will be included in season 1
tvg-episode="2" // Optional, for ordering episodes
serie-title="La casa de papel" // Optional, to show it on the series page, if not it will be shown the stream title of the first episode as series title

a sample lines for live and movies should be like this

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-type="live" tvg-logo="http://url_of_poster.jpg" group-title="Live Events",Channel 1
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-type="movie" tvg-logo="http://url_of_poster.jpg" group-title="Action Movies",Movie Title

a sample lines for series should be like this

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-type="serie" tvg-season="1" tvg-episode="1" serie-title="first chapter" tvg-logo="http://url_of_poster.jpg" group-title="SERIES",La casa de papel S1 E2
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-type="serie" tvg-serie="1" tvg-season="1" tvg-episode="2" serie-title="second chapter" tvg-logo="http://url_of_poster.jpg" group-title="SERIES",La casa de papel S1 E2
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-type="serie" tvg-serie="2" tvg-serie="1" tvg-season="1" tvg-episode="1" serie-title="first chapter" tvg-logo="http://url_of_poster.jpg" group-title="SERIES",Perfect Strangers S1 E1
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-type="serie" tvg-serie="2" tvg-season="2" tvg-episode="1" serie-title="second chapter" tvg-logo="http://url_of_poster.jpg" group-title="SERIES",Perfect Strangers S2 E1
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-type="serie" tvg-serie="2" tvg-season="2" tvg-episode="2" serie-title="third chapter" tvg-logo="http://url_of_poster.jpg" group-title="SERIES",Perfect Strangers S2 E2
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